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Manipulative Therapy

Joint Manipulation

Manipulative therapy is used as a means of relieving pressure on joints, reducing inflammation, improving nerve function and relieving pain. Today manipulative therapy is a highly specialised area of the profession, however it may exist in different forms among other professions. Manipulative therapy is the term used for manual therapy techniques that utilise a high-velocity, low-amplitude force to the joint that will often result in an audible crack or pop. Joint manipulation should not be carried out in the presence of infection, recent fracture, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoporosis or active cancer.

Joint Mobilisation

Joint mobilisation is a common practice among physiotherapists where a joint is gently moved in a passive motion to achieve a therapeutic effect. It assists in promoting joint mobility by facilitating accessory motions. It is indicated with restricted joint motion, pain due to tightness of the joint and with neural compression.


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